If you have injured wildlife think twice before bringing in here!
I brought a pigeon in thinking the vets will treat it like a pet as it’s a friendly bird that visits my yard daily. They had me sign wildlife paperwork and then tell me they don’t accept payment, and basically then take ownership of the animal and your rights to know what happens to it. Wildlife goes to Volunteers For Wildlife, but VMCLI claims you cannot ask them for updates on how the animal is doing and they won’t release the animal back where it came from, when infact I have friends that personally bought wildlife and birds into Volunteer For Wildlife clinic and got updates on the health and they even released the animal back to original area once healed if safe for the animal. I’m disabled and could not get to Volunteers For Wildlife clinic myself to drop this bird off and I thought I could trust VMCLI with this bird because no other place was local for me to get to.
I spoke the receptionist at the front counter and was told to call the night I dropped the pigeon off to have them leave a note that when VFW picks it up next day they have my context info. When I called that night asking this they were saying they had no note about this and gave me a hard time basically refusing to comply and leave my contact information. The staff seems like they are disorganized and if they can’t do something so simple I can only imagine how people’s pets could be in danger from mix ups or inaccurate information.
I’ve had 3 birds die bringing them here, I refuse to ever use this place again. I found a much better place for helping pigeons where I can pay and claim ownership and they won’t steal the animal and keep me in the dark about it’s health.