Called Bruno after listening to the commercial/infomercial on radio and liking what I heard. Common sense and exceptional service came through loud and clear. I have only been in area for 2 weeks and recently purchased the home in September and knew the HVAC needed a professional inspection beyond the typical "Home Inspection". John arrived 2 days after I made appointment and performed a fantastic cleaning and inspection. Unfortunately the exiting units were original and needed first aid now and my ductwork was full of mold and water. Now I am in the energy business and could not agree more! John wrote up a quote with options (what I asked for) and we agreed on a price and service. Next day....3 trucks and technicians worked over 12 hours and still working today. I will update more as work get's done but so far this team is top notch. Special kudos to Eduardo....energetic, motivated and very professional. More to follow....