Because this is the only outdoors range near me I decided to go there and break in my new Daniel defense, big mistake. When I went to the front desk I was informed I could only have 1 round in the magazine which for an AR is ridiculous. The rifle range was nice varying distances you could shoot at but they forced you to put a chamber flag in the gun anytime you wanted to step away for a second, even to grab a new box of ammo that was only a few feet away. They also offer a skeet shooting range which is probably the only part of the range I enjoyed, but even with my shotgun you had to have 1 round in the tube which made it very slow as I was shooting with 3 others. I never got to try out the pistol range because its only open on the weekends. All in all I don't see myself coming back anytime soon and unless your coming for the trap shooting I don't recommend it.