I will be the first to say that I made a mistake. I failes to put a chamber flag in my rifle while waiting for it to cool. There was not a cease fire and everybody was still firing away, so with a hot barrel, I left the bolt open and stepped away to talk to my dad about what may be going on with my rifle, and before I could even get a word out, the range master. Took it upon himself to take my rifle into his little hut, then came out in front of everybody and started yelling at me and putting his finger in my face. Then I pointed out the fact that he took my rifle and I hope there was no damage to it. He informed me that he didn't care about my rifle! And there you have it people! Its not that they are rude because of some childhood repressed memory, they just do not care! How hard would it have been to just tell me to put a flag in? For the record I was told a while a go that flags were only needed during a cease fire. So I was wrong, I wasn't putting anybodies life in danger, but I didn't follow the rules. I had no idea that I wasn't following the rules, but after the range master's fit of yelling and screaming, everybody there now knows. Oh, and here is a fun fact, after that I asked for my gun that they stole back, and when they handed it back to me, they didn't put a chamber flag in it! All that high blood pressure and rants and raves about how not having a chamber flag in your rifle endangers lives, and they didn't put a flag in it when handing it to me barrel first!! What a bunch a dumb $&!^$!!!