Was a client for years but must have run into the nightmare part time receptionist the other two reviewers had. Treated me like something on the bottom of her shoe. Constistantly unbelievably rude, inconsiderate, irrational, uncooperative and if this is what they have instructed her to act like well Good Ridance to this vet hospital. Too bad, they seemed good. Last time she was so unbelievably obnoxiously rude, I made a comment and was told never to return. Their loss I have many pets. Seems like she must still be there or
perhaps they instruct all their part time receptionist to act like Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Lost the piper fund but have my dignity. Be prepared to be treated like slime if you run into her. Tell your pets to get sick or vaccinated when she's not in.