I can't believe that after all that I have done for you . You would post on a website lies about me . For all the people reading this yes I am a X employee of smiths I worked for him back in 2008 and then briefly in 2011. However I did believe in the detox program not so much the $ but the program . So back to You Bryan how could you slander my name and state all these lies about me to try to assassinate my good moral character ! And then on top of that be a coward and use the screen names instead of your own . Because you lied !! I was a faithful employee I worked with out pay a lot and when I was paid it was change . I was on call 24/7 and when you went on vacations so on and so on I kept secrets that you confided in me about ( remember ) the Author that came ?? Thought you would didn't he write your favorite book the very book that helped you through a tough time in your life . Don't worry your secret is still safe with me cause I have integrity , compassion, self respect , respect for others , moral ethic A soul . Those thing you don't have you called me many things a liar, thief , addict, unfit mother, a whore, a bitch, tornado , ugly, extortionist ,embezzler. ,slut,psychotic,crazy,trashy,tramp, roving ,volatile, stupid , crazy, a terd that I have poorly raised children , and that I fake documents to get jobs and that I fake my Son having Autism and that I have many children by different men WOW did I leave any word out that you could have called me. Other than a white women . I just can't believe you would say all those mean things I have been a house guest at your home . Your wife was my Childrens teacher and now you post things that are so untrue and ruin my name my career I dare you Bryan !!!!' what