I had to go to the er for an abcess on my chest that had to be lanced.The abcess had formed on the top of a lump which may or may not be a cyst. Very traumatic. I made a follow up appointment with this place because someone had reccommended it to me. ( They had never seen Dr. Savin). I wanted the best care because the lump was near my breast and wanted to be sure what it was and go from there. I arrived at the office with my bandages still on from the er. The nurse took off my bandages and the Dr. came in. Did not even look me in the eye. Looked at my wound and said "So tell my why you are here" Um how about nice to meet you or I am doctor so and so?? I said the er doctors said I need the packing removed and then you would examine me to see what this is. "Oh did they" he said. Well I think I may have to "stick it" I said what does that mean- relance it? The er said it was fully drained. He said "Did you come here to argue with me?
I said no I just am very concerned because... it was very painful and want to avoid that kind of pain at all costs. He said- They gave you something for the pain did they I said yes they did. Lucky you.I started crying and said I just..... He totally cut me off stood up and the nurse came back in. Nurse: What do you want me to do and where are you going- he said lay her on the table .... and NO anesthesia. She said um well okay but you need a consent for that He scoffed and walked out looked back at the nurse again and repeated- No anthesia. I am going to go save someone else's life who won't start arguements with me." She seemed perplexed herself and told me to lie down. Something inside me said NO! This is not right. I was very scared. I asked if there was a bathroom and ran out. I called when I got home still shaking and asked if my insurance would be billed. The receptionist said it says no charge for today. YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!! I cannot even comprehend why this man treated me this way. Do not ever go there especially if you are a woman. This doctor is a shame to his profession!