People are completely ignorant to the fact that animals at Heartland Pets come from puppy mills and 'farms' that raise these animals to be sold at outrageous prices. Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, etc come from incredibly horrific living conditions. Female animals are forced to reproduce until they are no longer able to do so. Transportation conditions and lengths of travel are extremely stressing on these young animals. The animals are usually ill and do not get proper veterinary care. Never, ever support pet stores. They should all be shut down. Rescue an animal from your local Humane Society, other shelters in the Erie area include, The A.N.N.A Shelter and Because You Care. A majority of the animals sold at Heartland Pets are taken to these shelters within a year because the individual who purchased that animal was not educated in the breed they chose. Please, never support Heartland Pets or puppy mills.