After thoroughly researching and diligently combing the internet for knowledgeable vets, I found Newport Beach Hospital was the best of the best with a internal specialist veterinarian as the owner/vet. Dr. Cohen does regular things plus special things. He is amazing.
I immediately felt comfortable with the office receptionists. Stepping into the office, they warmly welcomed both me and my pet. I asked them the standard questions. Both were extremely nice and helpful and I felt at ease with the knowledge and the information they had given me that was way above any I had received at other offices.
The office is very charming, spotless, and peaceful. Everyone there was thoughtful and gentle. Every other person with their pet had nothing but glowing remarks for Dr. Cohen. I even heard his wife sleeps over with the sick pets. The dedication is sky high.
I could tell that Dr. Cohen had worked with scared pets before and was very knowledgeable and delivered tender care. He handled my crazy (sometimes) dog like a pro and my boy calmed in his arms.
When the doctor talks, you understand everything and never feel stupid. The intellectual and comfort level of this veterinary office is way above standard.
A++++ Recommendation.