Good: Price & turn around time and ease of ordering
(I THOUGHT). Bad: A $75 estimated charge from your graphics department to add 3 short lines of text to the back of my Note Card.
My entire order of 50 cards costs $65 - your grraphics dept. wants $75 to add a title and my name to the back of the card. Improvements: More realistic graphics charges
AND a user-friendly online tool to EASILY set up lay-outs without having to go out and buy PHOTOSHOP and take a 3 week course at UCLA grad school in computer design. Please remember that MOST of the public does not have your proficiency with setting up lay-outs.. Other: This is your opportunity ot prove if you are a typical company or a GREAT company. I am NOT a photoshop owner or a graphics techie - How about PS print setting up a service dept for customers like me who don't know HOW to download a template into photoshop (mainly because we DON'T have Photoshop on our computers).
If I had had an enjoyable experience I would have sent you lots of orders for larger quantities since my firm does a lot of direct mail and promotional advirtising.
What can we do here folks??.