My son attended here since he was 9 weeks old. The infant room was fine, albeit a bit run down. Teachers were great. One day when my son was 19 months old, we picked him up early only to find him crying in a high chair where he had been put for a time-out. A time-out that lasted at least 15 minutes. I called the County about this as it seems tantamount to restraint. They agreed. I had been on the waiting list for a new daycare for nearly a year at this point so thought I'd wait out the last month here now that they knew they were being "watched." A couple of weeks later I was suddenly given notice that they were kicking him out for biting. I had NEVER been given any written report on this and never have seen this behavior at my home. Needless to say, this seemed like payback for my call to the County. All-in-all the teachers were mostly kind and invested in my son. The owner, Miss Jennifer was the one who initiated the improper policies and always seemed to view the children as little dollar signs rather actually caring. Staff always seemed to be complaining about her too. Overheard a few conversations. Price is low but you really do get what you pay for. I do not recommend.