I went to Sullivan's thinking it is good to support our local businesses. The salesman assured me that the "sale" price was going to end anyday and I had to sign a contract to get the price. I was not comfortable with the high pressure and I asked for a quote without the sales price as I was willing to spend the extra money if I had the time to decide. He WOULD NOT give me a quote at the “normal” price. I asked for a sample to ensure it would go with my paint. Once again that could not be supplied. I offered to put down a 100 dollar deposit that would be non-fundable if I changed my mind, he agreed. I wrote this in on the bottom of the contract. 3-4 days after this, I called and told him I wished to cancel my order. I had had the chance to go to several other carpet dealer and they were ALL willing to give samples and let me evaluate the products in my home. Now more that two month's later I have been billed for the carpet that was never installed and I have been told it is cut and ready for install......even though I talked to both the carpet salesman and the solid surface salesman and told them I did not want their product or to do business with them due to their high pressure sales technique and their inability to follow up with the measurement and quote on my solid surface materials. I was very disappointed by my dealing while I was in the store and I am disgusted now that I am going to have to work with a lawyer and the BBB, because I was not able to just say no and walk away. I thought the agreement to forfeit 100 dollars was fair as it would cover their time and effort to complete the measurements. I have since found out that many carpet dealers do the measurements for free as well. I have also since found out the price for the “sale” carpet was double the cost of a very similar carpet I did have installed. So as I said…just say no, don’t even go into the store unless you have already done all your shopping, and you know enough about carpets not to get forced into a poor decision.