Good: The pure honesty of the program. They talk the talk and walk the walk.. Bad: Every thing was great, nothing to dislike.. Improvements: Well, not knowing much about the moving business, I think that it all went very well. DAWN was not good, she was AWESOME throughout the enitre experience. With me all the way . Felt good , confident, and every thing was as it was supposed to be.. Other: The two movers were absolutley fantastic. Very professional, very curtious, and very accomadating in every way. They were the best movers I have ever encounted. Extremely professional, and awesome. Just like Dawn.
I was confused at first , not sure what to do , then came "THE DAWN" and the light came on .
Thank you so much Dawn.
I will recommand, and use your service again for sure.
Best Regards, keep up the great work.
Big Al.