I have been going here a long time. I loved Bernstein. When she left I went to Stier, which has been wonderful! I had two m/c but since I was older trying to conceive I just thought it was because of my age, but they did not and sent me for blood testing which revealed I had a blood disorder causing the m/c. Sent me to the best hemo in the capital region and started to receive the blood thinners I needed the next time I became pregnant. I was considered a high risk patient for several reasons. Dr. Stier and the staff took wonderful care of me. They were very concerned and went above and beyond. I had a healthy baby boy thanks to thier proactive actions and attention to detail. Barb is wonderful agreed! And yes I may see a NP for routine check-ups but if there was a problem I know I can count on Dr. Stier to be there when I need him and the staff.