I walked in to look around, and at first I was struck by the trendy dresses and unique looking shirts and leggings. Then I looked at the jewelry and noticed the poor quality of it for what I would consider Nordstrom prices. My friend called me over to the True Religion jeans rack and showed me how they were actually pretty bad knock offs. We did find a rack of leggings that looked awesome, but they were $99.00 on sale for $60.00. For whatever reason, my friend bought some jewelry.
When we got back to the office, we looked up the brand of leggings (Nesso) and discovered that you can buy them in bulk for $5.00 a piece!! That's a 1,200% mark up.
When her jewelry ultimately broke the next day, we went to take it back and discovered that THEY DO NOT TAKE RETURNS FOR ANY REASON. Only store exchanges and credits.
If I want overpriced stuff, I'll head to Nordstrom from now on.