The best doctors at the University location and Dr Boesel and Dr Overby. I've been going to this OB for 13 years. Someone posted a negative comment about Dr Boesel that I don't believe is true. He is one of their best Drs with over 30 years experience. A baby isn't overdue until after 42 weeks. Dr Boesel isn't going to push for a C-section unless it's absolutely necessary. It's a shame that women want to be induced these days and have forgotten about natural birth. I digress. The office has slacked off a bit. The receptionists and staff aren't like they used to be. Wait time is longer. I've had appts rescheduled and doctor's showing up late. I may consider going to a new office after I have this baby since it's a group practice and they have a lot of new faces. The only doctor I like is Dr Boesel and Dr Overby. I don't know much about any of those new doctors.