My 2 year old son has attended Avondale Preschool full time since Jan/Feb 2009 and not only do I love the care he receives, but he does as well. Mia partners with me about his care and needs and is genuinely connected to what he is interested in learning. It is a Montessori based preschool with many interactive learning activities that teach counting, ABC’s and they even learn Spanish! My 2 year old son comes home counting from 1-10 and singing the ABC song! They go outside at least twice a day, which he loves, but also go on field trips on Fridays to local museums, parks and attractions. I’ve attended these field trips and they are so much fun! My son is very active and a typical boy – she deals with conflicts really well between the kids and uses limits in a very effective way. I can’t recommend Avondale Preschool enough.