Friends and family have always told me how cute my children are. I decided to begin a wonderful relationship with the Phoenix Agency, with my two daughters and one son. Why not give it a try, see if the kids can get some good jobs?
The journey has been incredible and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my children... and them making “big bucks” in the process.
They’ve done both local and national commercials over the years. The kids like the local commercials because all their friends see them on TV. National commercials are the favorites though; even at a young age they know which pays the most.
There have been long periods between calls, months with nothing. Then of course, we’ll go on vacation and miss some “great” casting. We know the calls will come, so we hang in there.
The kids know that sometimes the Clients are not booking their age range or they’re not the look for that specific casting. I’ve taught them not to take things personal, especially in this industry.
When I was asked to put the kids on “Talent Street” I was ready... I know the Internet is the future. It just makes sense that our hard working Agency would want the best marketing tool for their talent.