Good: Almost everything I wanted was in stock for a $700+ order. With customer service so bad that nobody wanted to deliver it to me, I can see why inventory was good.. Bad: Approx. 40 people (Thanksgiving weekend)in line with 3 or 4 customer service reps moving so slow they make Walmart associates look good. When I'm ready to buy (spend $$$) it would be nice to have someone ready and willing to QUICKLY help me.. Improvements: Customer service......People and promptness.... OR.... change the name to "Good Buy". Other: Being a Premium Silver Reward Zone member I have all but given up trying to buy from this and other Best Buy stores. If I have to beg the salespeople to take my money I'll find another source. If I'm treated this way I suspect others are also. I have no sympathy when management complains about weak sales and then makes no effort to serve the customer who wants a quick and efficient purchase..