My wife and I have been with Rick Birnbaum for over 25 years and not once have we had a single problem with Rick or his office. We were referred to Mr. Birnbaum under difficult circumstances. having left our previous accountant where we were being audited by the IRS. After several weeks, a few meetings, and many phone calls Rick and his office straightened out everything to our complete satisfaction. That was a long time ago and we have grown with Rick and his Tarzana office. Twenty-five years later, and we couldn’t be happier! Anyone who really knows Rick knows this, too. Rick is a good man and a great CPA! Anyone writing anything else is straight out of Aesop’s Fables … sour grapes! Here’s to another twenty-five years with Mr. Rick Birnbaum … should we be so lucky!
Cheers, Michael K. in Long Beach, CA