I was perusing the internet and came upon this disgusting, rude,unfair, lie filled review of a place that I call home! I love it out here and find that the people that wrote bad reviews were writing them in anger and not stating the facts. The managers are only enforcing the rules that the park owners and have set forth. And if their job means making sure that all of the home owners keep their places up, well, what's so bad with that? I love living in an area where all of the houses and yards are maintained and not allowed to be run down because I take pride in my ownership! \r
Racist? totally unfounded! I guess that's easy to say when you can write an anonymous review. Tari and MIke are professionals who have always treated me and my family fair and I am glad that Woodcreek has them as managers! Kudos to you Tari and Mike for a job well done!!\r
In response to the review titled ""Please be fair"" I whole heartedly agree with everything they had said. \r
The beauty of living at Woodcreek is that it is so beautiful!!!