I can't believe the Dr. came to me! I woke up with a sore throat and my ear was starting to hurt. I didn't want to take off work to go to the Dr, but didn't want the sore throat to get worse. I logged on to the White Glove website and requested an appointment. Less than 2 minutes...REALLY! LESS THAN 2 MINUTES later I got a call from White Glove to schedule the appointment!! The Dr. showed up at AT MY OFFICE at noon and the first thing he did was hand me a bag filled with flavored water, Gatorade, Jello, apple sauce, Advil, throat lozenges soup and even crackers! He brought everything he needed to do an exam and 2 throat cultures. He even brought antibiotics! In less than 20 minutes I had been seen, diagnosed and treated and was back at my desk! The best part was that the entire thing, including the cultures, cost less than missing a day of work! I highly recommend White Glove!
P.S, So does my BOSS!!!
Pros: Fast, Easy, Reasonably Priced, Fantastic Service, etc, etc,
Cons: I didn't see any cons.