Most people tend to rate the food as the best sushi in the triangle. That may have been the case in past years but I think Waraji quality in both food and sevice had dropped from my last experience. \r
I was there for a birthday party with 12 guests. Right after being seated we were informed that they do not split checks for parties of more than 5. Apparently, they will add a certain percentage of the check if they are forced to split the check. Our main server was rude, which makes the automatic 18 percent added gratuity for our party, money poorly spent. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the automatic gratuity which is standard at many resturants, and we would have increased the gratuity had our server actually been more pleasant.\r
The food took an extremely long time to arrive, with no updates from our server. It took over an hour to finally get our food. One guest ordered Terriyaki, the other 11 ordered sushi.\r
Waraji's food is seasoned well, and their sushi has a little bit of a spicy bite, which does set it apart from other resturants in the area. Overall the food itself was above average in quality, but a step below Wasabi in Cary for freshness, texture, and taste. \r
This was the second birthday party I have attended at Waraji and I'd have to say, that I don't think I'll go to another after this experience. I also doubt that the any one else in our party will be having any celebration or casually dine at this establishent. \r
Waraji has received many awards as well as positive reviews, but I think they've let their accolades go to their head. I doubt, I'll comeback to see if they ever get their act together.
Pros: Food
Cons: Service, order turn around time, reservation and check spliting policy