Until about seven-eight years ago, I had only positive experiences. My first negative experience was with a claims adjuster they outsourced my claim for a wreck on. I was the victim of a drunk driver who rearended, me at a major intersection and pushed my car into cross traffic. I was lucky, I walked away alive, but was injured. My car was totaled. After my complaint to USAA, the assigned another adjuster. I hate their automated system. It is next to impossible to get to an live person. My next negative experience was in January of this year. I was rearended again and all started fine until they transfered my to the total loss department of their Auto Insurance group. That was a nightmare. The young woman assigned to me never would follow through with providing information or returning phone calls. My other experiences have been through a professional organization with their Executive Administrative, Administrative and Associate Assistants. My understanding is that a number of the Executives have multiple Admin assistants. These ladies appear to have flextime and lots of time off, they are paid 40K+ annually, and don't really have a lot of job duties to perform for their Executives. It was explained to me that their Admins are true admins, that USAA has this policy that promotes individuals from their customer representative ranks. Anyway, I have been pulling back from involvement from the professional organization, because a number of these ladies are Board and officers on this group and appear to think that all the rest of us have time to do ""thier"" bidding while at work. Lot's of chain emails back and forth, most start to get very harassing if you don't respond immediately. I had asked for about 6 months to have my email for work removed from their distribution, before it finally occurred. Now I get all this nonsense at home and most are pretty inconsiderate and expect that I can forget my duties at work to do all of their last minute bidding. No one in this group seems to know how to do advance planning or preparation. The other part of this they all seem to have lots of flex time, lots of time off and expect that all companies function like USAA with this overcompensation of $$ and time off. I think USAA should reduce some of their overhead and save members money by cutting some of their admins. They all appear to have an entitlement mentality and I think that USAA is being used as sort of a welfare system for military spouses that don't want to really hon their skills and look for real jobs.
Pros: Auto Insurance Claims, Banking, Investment
Cons: Lower level employees (Admin Assistants, Associate Assistant