On June 2, 2011 my 80 year old grandparents went into this establishment and contracted with
them to have their transmission on their 1999 Mercury Sable rebuilt. With that service they acquired a two year unlimited warranty.
Shortly thereafter, probably mid-June, they took their car back due to a transmission leak. They were told at the time that there was, in fact, no leak. This was fallacious, and they knew that they were being lied to as they had checked the fluid levels prior to taking the vehicle in and the levels were low. They were told that they were actually full and that the leak was generating from the engine.
They took their car in a second time in July, as the vehicle was still leaking. They were informed at the time that it was the power steering fluid, and that the shop had 'filled that up' for them, when in fact, with my grandparents watching the entire affair, they had done no such thing.
The third time they took their car in was Monday, August 29, 2011. The leak had become drastically worse at this point, and the shop finally conceded that there was a transmission leak, and that their other diagnoses had been incorrect. The car, at this point, was virtually unusable due to the fact that the leak had worsened over the months that the shop had refused to believe that it was a transmission leak. They told my grandparents that the earliest time that they would be able to take a look at it would be Tuesday, September 6th.
August 31st, 2011, my grandfather called back to inform them that Tuesday would be too late.The car was badly hemorrhaging fluids and their garage floor was covered, even when the car was not in use. The owner of the shop, Tom Weedman, told my grandfather that was his problem until Tuesday.September 1st my husband and I went into the shop to speak with someone about the poor customer service that my grandparents had received. During the conversation with Mr. Weedman he told me to shut up, and told me several lies including that my grandparents had only been in once and that he agreed that there was a leak, but that it wasn't fixable at the time, and that he had been cordial with my grandfather over the phone. (Which he had not been, I heard the entire conversation.)
Mr. Weedman is a generally condescending, age-biased individual. More than once he said to me that my opinion did not matter due to the fact that he was 'at least twice' my age, and that the fact that he has 'done quite well' for himself in his business made him superior to me. Last time I checked, age and money don't make a person superior. He also implied that I was not possessed of full mental faculties. He made me very uncomfortable with his aggressive manner and unnecessary invasion of my personal space