I always recommends them. My most recent experience with Top Performance was in the purchasing of a car I bought off craigslist. When I found a car I liked, I had the owner meet me at Top Performance. For around $35 TP mechanics spent about 4o minutes checking my potential purchase over. As a single woman, I was in an emergency and needed to make a purchase quickly for the commuting I do. I asked the guys to tell me what the car was worth and they went above the call of duty and looked it up. They told me my care was in great shape, was well maintained, and that the asking price was over blue book, but the car was a good one. Armed with information, I offered the sellers a fair price based on blue book value. I love my new car. It's running great and I felt confident making the purchase because I had the mechanics I trust check it out first.
Just the other night I met a friend for dinner. We exchanged car stories. He told me he has a great mechanic who he has been dealing with for years that he trusts. Turns out, we share the same place--Top Performance!