You folks have had my business for a while now, and you would have rated 5 stars except for the following. Your waiting area is horrible. The crap between the large double pane glass is ugly/disgusting, needs fixing. Of the 2 pop machines one was out of order, noticed this before, not a first. One ceiling tile was totally missing, washed away due to recent rain, and looked like hell. Too many books, especially old ones, variety is ok, afterall the ladies wait in there also.Free coffee gone for some time now, ok I don't drink that much anyway, I hope you are getting the hint that your waiting area could use some sprucing up.Big dark overstuffed in need of repair furniture gives some folks (the ladies again) a creepy feeling as 2 expressed to me one or 2 visits ago from 2 different women that reminded me of my mom. OK guys, overall you do a fantastic job, now get to that waiting room. Perhaps your future move will take care of these issues (i.e. a spiffy waiting area), looking forward to visiting you new location, and talking you guys up. Oh and one last whine,--- at your new location, get rid of the eraseable boards for offering services and specials, instead use professional looking boards specifically made for that purpose with reusable/removable lettering for that classy look to your business. Thanks for the opportunity to comment on things I think could use some polish------I'm bitchy, but a loyal customer--------ben