I can not tell you where to buy a well constructed home but save yourselves and avoid jones. \r
Hire an inspector! If the home is failed, walk away do not move forward with the closing, better to loose the deposit than 100's of thousands of dollars! and years off your life and the lives of those you love. TN Law requires that the owner of a home Disclose to a buyer all known deficiencies, leaks, etc. Good Law! Problem is Tennessee only requires that Law be on the citizens of Tennessee NOT the Corporate Builders, they can hide everything from the buyer! Once you close on a home and discover deficiencies, as our case against jones co., jones refused to repair the New Home to New Home expectations, i.e. No Leaks, etc.! You must force the builder to make repairs i.e. file in court, make the repairs yourself, disclose the leaks etc. (Good Luck getting Market Value after disclosure) so many folks keep their mouths shut, sell and run. Lets say you are forced to take the legal route to motivate the builder (they have so much money it goes on for years!), but you take the legal & moral route and repair the leaks etc. yourself, it costs several thousands of dollars to repair, but you make the repairs, now you can not afford the legal remedy, you drop the suit, the builder can and most probably will take legal action against you and receive a judgement against your family for all legal and professional costs, that's how it was explained to us. My advice, shop for a safe state to build a home, where protection of citizens is first. Disclosure should apply to Corporations as well! It is our hope that shining a light on this inequity between Corps and Citizens moves TN to hold Corps to at the very least a similar standard as folks. The Jones Company is a predatory corporation and knows well how to thrive in the opportunistic predatory environment of TN, predatory corporations are protected and families are to be preyed upon to feed the greed of Jones Company of Tennessee.
Pros: Zero
Cons: Deceptive company at best... you can assume the worst!