Like others, I go here out of convenience ONLY. As a recent buyer and "do-it-your-selfer" of a "fixer upper", I have needed A LOT of different things and/or need the occasional question answered by a "professional". Well, I gave that up a looong time ago. There seem to be a lot of people in orange aprons around, but (I'm not exaggerating here) they're either laughing and talking to one another, picking up on the opposite sex, talking on their cell phones, have a far away, spacey, "duh" look in their eyes or are hurrying away from me mumbling, "I'll be with you in a minute". I've learned over time, NOT to stand there like a dip sh*t for 10 or 15 minutes, waiting for them to return as promised. When I've gone looking for them in nearby isles, they've vanished off the face of the earth! On those rare occasions when I have managed to stop someone, they're either very rude (usually the women),or immature/unprofessional and overly "friendly" (which has been maybe half of the men I've dealt w