I've been coming to The Fish Store since I was a little kid in the '80s, and oh, how I wish I could travel back in time to those days. While I am by NO means an expert aquarist, I would hope that a specialty shop like this would know a little more than I do (not to mention, being a little friendlier).
Not only did they sell me five misidentified juvenile fish on 1/24/10 (3 Red Phantom Tetras were sold as female Black Phantom Tetras [different temperaments, red phantoms are fin-biters and pick on tank-mates], and 2 Flying Foxes were sold as Siamese Algae eaters [HUGE DIFFERENCE in how large they will grow and behavior; flying foxes are EXTREMELY territorial, cannot be housed with another of their kind or body shape, and will severely bully tank-mates ]), the three Tetras were so infected with parasites, that one died within a week, and the other two are still in a medicated hospital tank, and are very unlikely to live past the next day or two. After I was able to re-home one of the Flying Foxes, the other seems okay, other than biting and bullying all of his tank-mates.
All in all, a very disheartening experience, and I do not plan on returning any time soon.
Pros: Local Business
Cons: Diseased Stock, High Prices, Rude Staff