Tessaro's has theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee best hamburger i've ever eaten in my life. No other hamburger on the east coast can compare! Of course you can drop by at Wendy's, McDonald's, Red Robin, Fuddruckers or Eatn' Park and grab one of their ""prized"" hamburgers, however, a Tessaros hamburger cannot be compared to such inferior pieces of meat slapped between mediocore buns. Once you try a Tessaro's hamburger, there's no turning back and every other hamburger tastes...well not what they're supposed to taste like. Bottom line......Tessaro's hamburgers mean BUSINESS. In addition to their hamburgers, their RIBS are top notch!!! Although they are only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, they are definitely worth waiting for=) Last but certainly not least, the people working at Tessaro's are very friendly, warm, and helpful.