I am, to put in crudely, extremely promiscuous when it comes to checking out the yoga scene in Seattle. I would drive by a yoga studio, my car would come to a screeching halt (like in the movies), and I'd flip a U and check it out.
My promiscuity also extends to yoga styles. If someone's labeling it, trademarking it, or teaching it, I'm taking it. My Baskin-Robbins approach has taken me to teachers and yoga conferences from the East side to the West side, and even all over the country. (I'm sure the hallmark of a yoga nut is you travel for it).
So yes, I get around, and I can truly say that Theresa Elliott is one the best yoga teachers I've ever had, and most certainly hands down *the* best yoga teacher in the Seattle area.
While the claim of ""best"" anything is purely subjective, I make this strong statement about Theresa and Taj for the following reasons:
+ Location location location - As they love to say in Real Estate (also, bubble bubble bubble, but I digress), yoga is also about understanding what is happening *where* in your body, and whether that's desirable or not. I had never learned how to do this until I met Theresa, where I learned what ""moving with awareness"" really means.
+ Safety first - yes, yoga is all about peace, love, and all that groovy good stuff, but we are working, first and foremost, with the body in the physical branch of yoga. Like any other adrenaline-induced beginners, I went along with the more is better mentality. More backbends, more touching my head to the floor, more pushing my knees back. As a result, I've brought upon myself a few yoga injuries, and at Taj, I can practice with the confidence that someone is making sure that I get rid of that habit.
+ Variety is the spice of life - There are classes for: Beginning, Skill in Asana, Vinyasa Techniques, Universal Flow , Back Care, Kids Yoga, Senior Yoga, and Alexander Technique. The Skill and Technique classes break down the mechanics of the poses, and makes the anatomy geek in me very satisfied. The Flow classes are great when you need to build more heat and endurance. Even after over 10 years of doing yoga, I still consider myself a beginner, and I always learn something new in the Beginning class.
+ Real people - Yes, yoga teachers are real people too! Ok, I'm being facetious, but really, the teachers are casual, relax, down-to-earth, and have a good sense of humor, allowing me to also relax and be myself, and it makes the learning experience much more pleasant.
+ One last thing about the studio before I end my epic review. The setting of Taj Yoga is really unique and unlike any other studio. As you've probably gathered from the other reviews, it's in an old 1950s-ish building, which is also home to a ballet school, Wassa African dance, Flamingo dance... ok you get the idea. It's always really fun for me to come to class and see all the buzzing activities going on.
There it is, I've given the Iliad a run for its money, but all this rambling is really to say that Taj Yoga is a great studio, and whether you're a brand new or seasoned yogi, you'll love working with Theresa Elliott and the awesome teachers at Taj.
Pros: Highest quality of teaching you can get for your bucks