IMHO I would advise to stay away from this studio. Lessons are much more expensive than many other dance venues in town, and many of the instructors at T.C’s are just young kids off the sidewalk, taught a few basic steps, and possess no other education in dance.
What I find most upsetting is it seems set up to slow and stretch out the learning process. That is accomplished by instructing one dance; perhaps waltz, for one or two songs and then the music switches to another type of song and another dance is covered. How can any person retain what was studied in that mode of education? I found it not possible.
Private lessons in many other studios locally are sixty dollars or less for an hour lesson, a full sixty minutes. At T.C. the cost is eight-five dollars per lesson, BUT the lesson is only forty minutes long. That means an hour, sixty minutes, of instruction is one hundred and twenty seven dollars and fifty cents! This is double the cost of private dance instruction in many other local studios. But also I discovered forty minutes a lesson is simply not a sufficient period of instruction for me, the material could not be practiced enough to be retained. I forgot to mention out of this forty minutes frequently time is taken out to encourage the student to bring her friends to T.C’s, or to sell the student herself more lessons, further reducing the instruction period.
Lessons at T.C. are sold by contract and paid in advance, not paid for as they are used. Students are asked to purchase in advance forty or eight lessons. What happens if the instructor you prefer quits or is fired? Lessons are non-fundable.
Additionally in regards to cost is a sponsor’s contest they hold several times a year, a contest that lasts for weeks. In this “contest” you are requested by your instructor, or one of the FIVE on site management team, to pay sixty-five dollars to “support your instructor” The instructor who is sponsored the most “wins” the contest. Naturally the relationship that develops between the student and her instructor is such that it is difficult for her to refuse. The money gathered by students sponsoring their instructors goes to management, and does nothing to provide the student more of improved instruction.
What extras T.C.'s does offer are group classes, classes that mostly stick to the basics. After a few weeks I found them not useful at all. On most Fridays there is a dance party. A party that lasts an hour and half, but of which up to thirty minutes can be taken out for pitches by management.
For those that love to dance and want instruction, I hope they can learn from my mistakes, and find a studio and a talented instructor that charges a reasonable amount without any contracts that tie the student into being locked into something she can not get out of.
Pros: Nice Enviroment
Cons: expensive, Poorly trained instructors