Wow, how did the Sapphire Hotel find so many good-looking people to work there? Yow.
Drinks are good, and the atmosphere is fantastic, although I did get lost in the bathroom because it was so dark -- how am I supposed to touch up my lipstick and powder my nose in there!??! Please get one more light bulb... I'm not asking much! 25 watts would surely be enough.
Service was great - very friendly, and the times I've been there for just drinks, it's been just as attentive as when I've ordered food. The food is okay, but the drinks and atmosphere are the strong selling points of the Sapphire Hotel. I also love the location -- after 3 or 4 Fuzzy Kittens, I can just stumble home! And since it's non-smoking I don't smell like an ashtray in the morning. Yay!
Pros: Atmosphere, drinks, Hot, hot servers
Cons: Nonsmoking YAY!, nasty hummus plate