Unlike some other Hot Yoga studios in our area, this one is notable because:
a.The owners and instructors are nice and friendly. You just get a good feeling when you check in. I've been in other places that feel like they're just trying to pack in as many paying customers as they can and they don't care about you as a person. Not this place.
b. The studio is so well ventilated - even in the heat - that you you are breathing fresh air, not stale sweat. In other studios, you can fry your hands in positions like half-moon, because they're right in front of the heat vent. Not here, where the hot air is so well circulated, you don't know where it's coming in from and out of.
c. The floor is mopped (not a carpet, not smelling like grandma's old socks) and everything feels clean.
d. There's always a place to park, and there's always spot for my mat - this is not like some other studios, where you have to come 30 minutes early just to reserve a place on the floor.
e. Finally, I think, compared to a ""Bikram"" brand studio, where they absolutely have to follow the Bikram script, the teachers in this studio have more flexibility in the instruction. This, combined with a smaller class size, means that you get individualized or specialized attention. My form has very much improved with their help, compared to when I belonged to a different studio.