STAY AWAY YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! They will start out nice on the phone, lure you in, offer payment plans do the install....then it's too late. They have you! You have no leverage or they simply threaten your license. I paid my year of dues in full at the install date. I went thru the whole year with several devie problems that safeharbor was unhelpful with but made it thru. The time finally arrived to have the device removed. They tell me to go to AZ MVD and get a date AND time when it is safe to remove the device. Apparently if it is removed a minute early you get another year! I got my date and according to safe harbor my AZMVD removal date was hours later than their computer date for the year of service. They once again threatened my license if i didn't pay for another full month of service $90 to be exact. They won't even offer you to pay for the extra day of service it must be a month the nastly lady in the office says. SO, i paid with my credit card and later disputed the charges AFTER my license was cleared. NOW they call ad threaten collections...this comany sux balls bigtime. I hope they all burn in hell