My garage was nothing short of an embarrassment. Seriously, what was I supposed to do with all these random belongings and junk that I’d collected over the years? And, to add to the heap of crap, I had a bunch of painting supplies from my commercial painting company. The thought of sorting out everything and figuring out what goes to dump, what gets recycled, what goes to Metro and so forth was daunting and I was just letting it pile up and it was causing all sorts of irritation in my life. I didn’t know who would take a broke down appliance along with boxes of very fashionable 1980’s attire, mixed in with a retired Apple computer and a useless piano. Well, nothing feels better than a good purge, let me tell you! I got rid of so much stuff with one phone call, and Rubbish Works took care of everything. It was miraculous! The trash angels came in, gave me a great estimate, and swooped it all away to the great junk yard in the sky. Couldn’t be happier and I feel two tons lighter!