We got involved with Roscoe Brown when our heat pump got damaged in the floods we had here in Nashville last Spring. Even though we are not close to water, the flood extended all the way to our house, and water came into the heat pump and damaged it. Roscoe Brown came out, took the pump apart, showed us where the water had damaged it, and they replaced everything right away. We did not have to wait, which was unusual because a lot of people in town were in a similar situation.
The other thing is we had to deal with FEMA, who wanted us to supply them with estimates and other documentation. FEMA would only reimburse us for the minimum and we wanted a heat pump that would come with an energy credit, so we had to work closely with Mike, the salesperson, to make sure we had all the necessary information. There was a lot of red tape, but Roscoe Brown sent me 2 or 3 copies of everything and held my hand throughout the process. Ultimately, we were able to get quite a bit through FEMA.
We have called them out since then because we heard a noise from the pump. They came out and checked it for no charge because it is under warranty. They provide really good service.
Sylvia Street