Hired to do my fence. 1 year later, my neighbor states that I am encroaching. So, my first call was to Roark to find out how they determine the property line. They said, ""well, we don't just put them anywhere we want, we put them where your husband told us to."" Funny thing is that my husband wasn't home the day they put the posts in. He was there the next day. We assumed they checked for the PINS. WHICH ARE THERE. So, now our attorney said he'll need to get us a survey. The fence needs to be moved, and since they don't want to move it at their cost, we will need to get another contractor to do it, and the cost is about 1/2 of the original cost to have it installed in the first place.
Pros: Pretty Fence
Cons: Blamed my husband for the encroachment. ha