I have searched high and low looking for a cosmetologist who is skilled in her/his craft. Someone who does not shy away from completing a hairstyle due to commonalities of the client. Having recently lost my beautician I had to once again find a new one. Of course I had many referrals to people who look like me. The misperception is that all people that look alike, that are of the same race or ethnicity have the same type of hair-untrue. Dominique has had incredible training and has learned well the art of cosmetology. As a result she is very skilled in completing my style from beginning to end. She interprets my concerns, color likes and style likings. No, we are not of the same race nor ethnicity. She fulfills what I believe someone in the field should fulfill. If you are unable to do all types of hair then I believe you should not call your self a beautician. I am very pleased with her and hope that she remains for a very long time. Selfishly, I do not wh=ant to search out a new beautician any time soon.