People laugh at that I travel over an hour for my hair. I make a day of it, visiting the shops on the premises along with those in the surrounding area. Been there for years- can't even remember how long. I tried to leave once for a closer place and was miserable! John is not only a great stylist, he's a perfectionist and a terrific person. I always walk out feeling beautiful! I'll never leave again. I don't stay for any 'relaxation' spa services due to the long ride. As to the person who said that the young stylists were loud and should have had a 'break room,'get your nose out of the air, and get a grip!! Those young people are great! You're just jealous that you're not young anymore.:) They aren't servants and those momentary breaks aren't long enough to leave the floor because they are paying close attention to their clients. They are entitled to some down time... maybe you need some earplugs if it bothers you. I agree that between the music and all the talking going on, it does all blend together for a less than relaxing experience on busy days; however, i try to make my appointments during the week when it's a little slower. I love Rizzeris... I just spend too much money! :)