Had system installed couple years ago, and have had nothing but problems since. I found out that they used two types of heads in the same zone that is not suppose to be mixed, mps and spray nozzles. No head in the entire yard had check valves, keeps water from draining out of heads and the strip along sidewalk had heads that sprayed too far or not far enough, and i even when i questioned that afterwards i was told it was the best coverage for those ODD spots. Well come to find out they make specific heads for those ODD spots. I found all this out from a real professional at John Deere Landscaping. This man in particular is very good at acting like he knows what he is talking about, and at first I believed he knew what he was talking about, but now I just hope no one is really that ignorant. Everyone I ever spoke too in the office was very nice and responsive to my problems, but how can you hire someone with such little experience and put them in charge of a job. I just hope this guy doesn't actually believe he is good at his job.