When first submitting my child to the agency, I got an immediate response about setting up a meeting with one of the talent managers, Stephanie. When I arrived for my appointment, there were about 10 other children waiting for their "meetings". This should have been a red flag to me. I waited a half an hour for my daughter's meeting and upon a short interview, Stephanie said that my daughter needed more photos even though I had tons of images. She said that she could use them but I needed to get more commercial looking photos that "shows the front of my daughter's face", she said. She then went went on and on about the fees that needed to be paid to market my daughter on PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT's website (over $750 annual fee and some other initiation fees). This should have been another red flag. Wait. There's more.\r
She said the main way they get castings is through Actors Access but their bookers submit you themselves for paying gigs- which I doubt.\r
After 2 months, I heard nothing about auditions or any castings for my daughter. I asked Stephanie about it and she said I didn't have enough pictures of my daughter and that she recommends I take more with PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT's trusted photographers and that I had to pay, out of my own pocket, for the shoots of my daughter. WHAT?! What agency makes you pay your way. If they think that you have potential to make them money from gigs why wouldnt they invest in your port? They will get their money back and more. I then mentioned if it was ok to find my own photographer to shoot my daughter and she said PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT's photographers are better than any other photographer. I saw their photograper's website and their work looked decent but not that great to spend over $1000 on. There are three red flags here: 1) She didn't mention how PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT submits models for commercial print work or what source they used for that matter and 2) she made it clear that PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT was not investing ANY MONEY in me and 3) There's no proof PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT really submits your child.\r
They insisted I must buy expensive digital cards for my 4 years old daughter. I paid $365 for these comp card but had never received or seen one!!!\r
After stamping it in her head that I wasn't using PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT's photographers she left it alone BUT proceeded to try to get me to pay for the upfront fees for the marketing materials for my daughter. She proceed, not once, not twice, but about three times to get me to do it. WHAT?! She then mentioned that she doesn't know if my daughter would book a job EVER. WHAT? Why did she signed my daughter on the spot then? By now it was clear to me that all of her attempts were to get me to basically give up some money.\r
In retrospect, all of those children that were at the office really didn't look like models. No offense, but a lot of them were not model looking. Their roster is extremely long but I doubt that they even find all of these kids work. If this was the case , they would be making tons of money and would be able to pay for these upfront fees and photo shoot expenses. Come on. Their office looks slightly dilapidated and small.\r
Parents have to pay $10 for submission.They make money by charging parents just to submit a photo of their child!\r
At the end of the day, this was my experience. Maybe they do find some, as in 2%, of their children talent work. But honestly, if they're using Actors Access then anyone else can find themselves work on their also. I've done and so can anyone else. I wish I read other complaints on here about PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT because there's a lot of time I wasted that I can't get back. For all of those out there reading this, dont sign with them. If you do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY.\r
Good luck and never settle!