I found this business through a craigslist posting back in December of a year ago. Submitted my photographs, went to a casting and was booked for work. I finished the job in March and have been quietly holding up for payment since. They specify in their policy that you can hope to hold up least 60- most extreme 90 days because of the high volume of model castings. It has now been very nearly 100 days since finishing of the job and I (alongside a few different models who finished the same employment ) still haven't been paid. \r
I likely would be all the more understanding assuming that they are battling to process payments assuming that they might impart what is going on, regardless of numerous unanswered telephone calls and messages, I still haven't gained a suitable hold of them. Phone's not being replied. Voice-sends not returned. Also messages not replied. I had to pay about $500 for digital cards that are not even printed, $70 for each photo I had to upload myself to Product Model Management's website which is ridiculous! !\r
The most disappointing thing is that they guarantee it requires some investment to pay as the organization who employs doesn't pay out till months after the occupation HOWEVER a few models I know of who were not spoken to by this were paid over a month prior. So I think the lesson of the story is to look for representation by an alternate or work alone... Unless you are dependent upon the disappointing challenge of attempting to speak with this organization in getting the payment owed to you.