Majority of people do not intentionally create debt then willingly not commit to the financial obligations. Circumstances occur and people find themselves in predicaments out of their controls, whether it be a sickness, loss of job, poor economy, ect,. If a person ends up in a situation of feast or famine, it does not give entities the right to add stress and worry to individuals already facing shame then be subjected to vulgar and threatening rude people who are paid to terrorize people. Majority of people are going to pay their debt if they are financially capable. You cannot get water out of a rock and quite honestly, mean people WILL be moved to the bottom of my priority list.
Furthermore, it?s not like their company took the loss! Bottom Line is- This company is ruthless, harassing and have to be miserable themselves to treat others they way they do! Luckily, I know my rights and have a great attorney!
So if you are a company seeking a collection agency, this is your dog to treat others like a piece of garbage. If you are a consumer facing hard times, hang up and do not give them the time of day! Call a bankruptcy attorney. There has to be forgiveness in times like these.
Good luck and may these horrible people never have to face or deal with collection agencies like themselves.
Pros: Vultures
Cons: Vultures