Good: A few years ago they were polite, professional and tidy. Alas, no more. I really liked the temper tantrum the so called plumber threw upon leaving, throwing stuff and slamming door so hard that glasses fell off counter and broke.. Bad: Work regularly over original bid; increased work and parts required. They left us for 2 weeks with open sewer, and just a bucket to catch the material flowing from the ONLY sewer line, in our basement, when we had house guests. Also, having to get the work done twice, because first time they did not do it correctly. Oh, and also the fact that each visit was over $2500. As for patching the floor they drilled up, my eight year old son could have done a better job.. Improvements: Professional plumbers performing work according to the legal plumbing code at a reasonable price. Courtesy.. Other: You try living with one 5 gallon bucket on your sewer main line for 2 weeks..