I don't know anything about the salon business. I just knew my GF has been wanting something done with her hair because of ""boredom."" She's also hinted on a manicure as well. So, me being me, I did some research on my computer and came across Poshe. They seem to be building a fairly reliable reputation and really quite affordable compared to a lot of places. I set an appointment via phone and the guy over the phone was really friendly. When we got their the next day, the staff wasn't friendly towards me nor my GF. We were asked like 4 times if we had an appointment (which we did) and then told, ""Oh, I thought you were waiting for someone."" At this point, I had to leave my GF to go to work. Now that I'm home (10hrs later), I talked with her to find out everything else that went on. Apparently, she had gotten burnt on her neck from the perm. She said it ""stings like hell"" when she showers. No compensation was offered, and they used a spritzer bottle to cool it down I guess. However, she was satisfied with her hair and nails. So that's what happen, make what you want of it. I personally hold safety over all aspects of a business and for that alone, I would have rate Poshe a big fat ""0."" It's too bad I can't minus from that ""0"" for the unfriendliness. But my GF isn't one to complain or get too opinionated over anything and she WAS satisfied with her perm/french nails. So with that being said I take the average of me and her and that is what is posted here. And yes, I round down.
Pros: Service done right at an affordable price
Cons: Certain unfriendly staff members and the NEED to bring your own first aid kit.