On August 21, 2009 I noticed my dogs tooth didn't look right ( bottom left in the front) he, likes to chew on sticks, so I assumed he scratched his gums. On August 23 rd. in the evening I noticed all around his tooth was swollen. Thursday August 24th. 8:00 I called to make an appointment with Dr. Robin Whitney. I took my dog (Bear) and my seven year old son with me to the appointment. Dr. Robin Whitney came in the examining room looked at my dogs tooth for ten seconds turned to my seven year and I and said quote "" looks like cancer, the only option is to remove part of his jaw or put him to sleep"". She also stated that removing part of the jaw dose not have a great survival rate, maybe six months. After saying that she proceeded to give him a chest ex ray, heart worm test,and a rabies vaccine.(did not make much sense to me ,you just gave my dog a six month death sentence.) The story goes on but, the point I'm trying to make is I found her to be rude, heartless and a cold person. I love my pets dearly, and no, I do not run them to the vet every time they sneeze so they can run fourteen test to tell me my dog has fleas or allergies. I feed, walk, play with my pets and love them, they are part of our family. Also when speaking with Dr. Robin Whitney I asked about payments ( after the bill had gotten over $400.00 and I paid that!) she said quote ""you should have mentioned that in the the beginning we can hold checks till your next payday"". In closing I am not in any way saying that Robin Whitney is not a a good veterinarian I believe she knows how to treat animals medically but, when it comes to the owners I think maybe she may need some refresher courses or maybe she just needs to retire. I have spoken to several other people, and told them of my experience with Dr. Robin Whitney. They to had a similar experiences with her. I wish I had know before I took my dog there. September 9th. 2009 received a call from Dr. Robin Whitney. Bears test results came back he does not have cancer. All though we are very relieved we are going to have Bear a little longer I can't help but be a little annoyed with Dr. Robin Whitney. For 18 days I spent my time explaining to my son what cancer is, why their is not much that can be done and how they are going to put him to sleep forever. I think maybe next time she (Dr. Robin Whitney) needs to think before she speaks.
Pros: People in the front office were great!