My wife and I purchased a our Boxer here and she is was and still is in great health! I really do not understand all the hoop la with the idiots on the street protesting at all. They must tell each other so many lies they believe themselves. \r
Seriously we have had nothing but great attention from the owners and the staff there. One day I noticed them idiots on the street side when it was like a 100 degrees out. Ironically there wasn't even a bowl of water for their dogs that I seen some brought with. I even heard a rumor that the owner of PetLand brought their dogs water. And the people were super happy for this.\r
You know something, I am very sure that these people have no life or simply just to stupid to be a leader for themselves and make their own decisions. Do these people not have families at home to be with rather than hanging onto a sign saying ""look how I like to waste time"" and the other person's sign saying "" I am here with stupid because I have nothing better to do"" \r
In all honesty, through the years we have purchased several things at Petland and never had a problem. \r
And for those people that want to post stuff about their puppy getting sick... and blame the location they purchased it from. One question to you, Do you go back to a Dr. and blame the Dr. for your child getting ill?? \r
Listen it happens..... young ones get ill, even pets. And yes just like a child, medical expenses are expensive. That is the responsibility we take as pet owners / parents!!\r
Also, look to see what type of environment you brought your pet home to. Is your place clean, or just simply not fit for you to live in..... How often are you in the Dr's office.... \r
As for Venkata V. :\r
your truly an idiot, your openly going to say that they sold you a sick puppy? Then why did you go there. Obviously you are just looking for free stuff and seeking the help of the internet for support. I honestly laughed while reading your post.\r
And for you Deborah H.:\r
Wow you are the top winner here. Do you know the FACTS.... honestly know them? All you did was copy and paste something from the internet. \r
have you ever seen that commercial that says "" everything on the internet is true, can't put anything on the internet that isn't true"" well you mam are a true person of that belief. Everyone else knows lyes can be told all day long on the internet. Its people like you that hear something and completely believe it with out doing any such fact finding. What were their actual P & L's ?? What was their actual inventory?? Where did the mommy & daddy dog actually live for each puppy? Think before you squirt diarrhea out of you mouth or finger tips smearing all over to gullible people like yourself.\r
Think twice before slandering a person or business!