As president and owner of One Enchanted Evening, I was very disappointed and hurt by riley404's comments and review and feel the need to respond. At times people's expectations are inconsistent with reality; and if I'm guilty of anything it would be that I did not express this well enough. I did spent several free consultations with riley and her friends and we delivered much more than what she paid for. We researched floral varieties, and informed her that at times, given nature's fluctuations the colors/varieties can be slightly different. The original quote was with a variety of natural material and florals, we changed it to all roses on the bride's request, which brings down the cost considerably. The bride also chose the particular rose variety, which we endeavored to find for her, and informed her ahead of time, when some were unavailable. I do work out of a large studio in the back of my personal residence; this allows me to keep my overhead down and harvest organically grown florals and material from our gardens. This in turn, translates into relatively inexpensive, unusual material for our clients. In addition, I believe that our staff delivers service that is unparalleled in this industry (ask the brides who have used us).